109 research outputs found

    Analyse du Cycle de Vie: Limites et développements pour les nanomatériaux

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    Cycle de vie des produits, procédés et services. Considération des nanos dans les calculs d'Analyse de Cycle de Vie: Limites et opportunité

    From resources to a products : which environmental imacts for ecosystem?

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    For more than one hundred years the industrial revolution explodes all over the world through the different technologies. All these technologies were developed to help and increase the human conditions in providing new products. However, this development demands more and more resources (e.g. energy, water, raw materials) and generates many undesirable consequences with our over consumptions and the industrial systems used for the production. With the development of the research in human health and on the ecosystems, one has capable to assess our potential negative impacts. It exists many model in order to assess the environmental impacts (environmental impacts are on the ecosystem and on human health), one of the most famous methodology is the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) [1] [2] that is managed by the standard ISO 14040 and ISO 14044. However, even if this methodology is well-known, this one presents many limitations

    Decision Support Methodology for Designing Efficient and Sustainable Recycling Pathways

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    As the end of life becoming more and more complex recycling systems encountered many difficulties in valuing all the materials contain in each product. This involves not only recovering a large number of materials but also doing so with the minimal environmental impact. Although the benefits of recycling are well established, the industrial processes need to be designed in regard with their environmental impacts. That why recyclers need robust assessment tools to make the right choices during the design of recycling processes. This evaluation work should enable them to choose the right recycling solutions for a wide range of end of life products. In this article, we present how we develop a methodology for evaluating the performance of recycling processes during their design phase. This methodology is our answer to help optimise the recycling of multi materials products based on the evaluation of the sustainability performance of the processes chosen.CIFRE Convention N° 2015/022

    Life cycle assessment of municipal solid waste management in Samsun, Turkey: different scenarios with emphasis on energy and material recovery

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    Supplementary material : https://doi.org/10.1007/s10163-024-02004-7This study presents the first life cycle assessment for the municipal solid waste management system of Samsun, the largest city in the Black Sea region in Turkey (about 1 million people). Its importance is that it proposes to identify the environmental impacts and improvements for the waste management system planned to be implemented by 2023 and the separate collection at source system to be adopted in the future, within the scope of the zero waste policy. Six scenarios were compared using LCA to highlight the potential impacts from transportation. Data were collected from Samsun landfill, Ecoinvent 3 database, regional data collected with the industrial partner and literatures from scientific articles. Life cycle impact analysis was evaluated with the environmental footprint (EF) 3.0 method. In this study, it is reported that environmental impacts are sensitive to transport emissions and the recycling rate of virgin materials. According to the results, the Scenario S3 without the material recovery facility system was approved as the worst final disposal alternative. In contrast, the Scenario S5, which supports the separation of recyclable and organic wastes at the source, showed the most environmentally friendly performance. This research contributes to improving Samsun’s current municipal solid waste management (MSWM) system and policies for sustainable development

    Decision Support Methodology for Designing Efficient and Sustainable Recycling Pathways

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    As the end of life becoming more and more complex recycling systems encountered many difficulties in valuing all the materials contain in each product. This involves not only recovering a large number of materials but also doing so with the minimal environmental impact. Although the benefits of recycling are well established, the industrial processes need to be designed in regard with their environmental impacts. That why recyclers need robust assessment tools to make the right choices during the design of recycling processes. This evaluation work should enable them to choose the right recycling solutions for a wide range of end of life products. In this article, we present how we develop a methodology for evaluating the performance of recycling processes during their design phase. This methodology is our answer to help optimise the recycling of multi materials products based on the evaluation of the sustainability performance of the processes chosen.CIFRE Convention N° 2015/022

    Analyses de cycle de vie du recyclage de l’aluminium : étude de cas des câbles

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    Life cycle impact of European generic primary and secondary aluminium are well defined. However specific recycling processes are not available in literature. In this study, the environmental assessment of cable recycling processing is examined. The data come from a recycling plant (MTB Recycling) in France. MTB process relies only on mechanical separation and optical sorting processes on shredder cables. On the one hand, the study demonstrates huge environmental benefits for aluminium recycled in comparison with primary aluminium. On the other hand, the results show the harmful environmental influence of the heat refining by comparison with cold recycling process.Le but de cette étude est de documenter l’impact environnemental d’un procédé de recyclage de l’aluminium, en utilisant la méthodologie d’analyse de cycle de vie (ACV). Aujourd’hui, l’impact environnemental des aluminiums primaires et secondaires est déjà bien défini par l’Association Européenne de l’Aluminium (EAA). Cependant, les processus de recyclage spécifiques ne sont pas disponibles dans la littérature. Dans cette étude, l’évaluation environnementale du traitement et du recyclage des câbles sont examinés. Les données proviennent de l’usine de recyclage MTB Recycling située en France. Le processus spécifique a été développé par les ingénieurs de MTB Recycling et est vendu comme solution de traitement dans les différents pays. La spécificité du procédé MTB repose sur l’absence de fusion pour l’affinage des métaux. Malgré tout, la pureté standard de l’aluminium atteint 99,6 %. Cette performance est obtenue en utilisant uniquement la séparation mécanique et des procédés de tri optique sur les câbles déchiquetés. L’évaluation de l’impact environnemental est effectuée en utilisant la méthode ILCD MidPoint. L’étude compare 3 systèmes : l’aluminium primaire, l’aluminium secondaire affiné par fusion et le processus de recyclage des câbles développé par MTB. D’une part, l’étude démontre les avantages environnementaux de l’aluminium recyclé par rapport à l’aluminium primaire. D’autre part, les résultats font apparaître la forte influence du recyclage à chaud de l’aluminium par comparaison avec le processus MTB de recyclage à froid. L’étude démontre l’intérêt du recyclage par filière vis-à-vis du recyclage en mélange.This work was performed within the financial support from French Agency for Environment and Energy Efficiency (ADEME)

    How to Develop Indicators to Assess the Sustainability of Recycling Processes?

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    The circular economy offers a partial answer to resource depletion. Recycling is inherent in the circular economy strategies that why industrial companies look for stepping recycling rates up. But recycling approaches are often motivated by economic considerations. Yet the recycling paths are multiple and it is important to determine the best path according to different categories of indicators and not only profit. We worked with MTB, an engineering and manufacturing company of recycling equipment. Our work aims to determine which are the most relevant indicators to assess the sustainability performance of recycling processes. We selected 8 indicators in 3 different categories: technical, environmental and economic. The technical indicators are determined based on a common framework established using the Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) protocol. Environmental and economic indicators results are given using a process Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) database. Information stored in the database using both variable and invariable unit process. The calculation is respectively done with Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Life Cycle Cost (LCC) methodologies. During the design phases, specific information is provided to establish the unit process performance of each recycling scenario. In this article, we present how the performance indicators were selected and calculated in regard with the decision support methodology build up.Convention CIFRE N ° 2015/022

    Transporter les déchets ou transporter l’usine de recyclage : évaluation selon l’analyse de cycle de vie

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the environmental and economic balance between a collection of waste requiring the transport to a centralized recycling plant versus the displacement of a recycling plant near the waste production’s location. Two systems are compared in the study with economic and environmental Life cycle analysis (LCC and LCA) tools. The first one considers a centralized recycling plant that gathers batch of cables from different locations in Europe. The second scenario considers a transportable recycling plant, the Cablebox (designed by MTB Manufacturing), which is regularly carried to be close to the waste deposit to recycle waste cables. On the one hand, the study demonstrates huge environmental benefits for transportable recycling plants in comparison with the centralized system. The overall environmental impact is halved on the climate change indicator. On the other hand, the results show the economic advantages of such solution. The treatment cost per ton of recycling is reduced by 5 to 8%. Transportable recycling solutions seem to be a good answer to solve End-of-Life logistic issues, both from an economic and an environmental point of view.Le but de cette étude est de déterminer les impacts environnementaux et économiques entre une collecte de déchets nécessitant le transport vers une usine de recyclage centralisée et le déplacement de l’usine de recyclage près du lieu de production de déchets. Deux systèmes sont comparés dans l’étude avec des outils d’analyse du cycle de vie économique et environnementale (LCC et ACV). Le premier système envisage uneusine de recyclage centralisée qui rassemble des câbles provenant de différents endroits en Europe. Le deuxième système envisage une usine de recyclage transportable, la Cablebox (conçu par MTB Manufacturing), qui est régulièrement transportée à proximité des gisements de déchets pour les recycler. D’une part, l’étude démontre les avantages environnementaux de l’usine de recyclage transportable en comparaison avec le système centralisé. L’impact global sur l’environnement est réduit de moitié sur l’indicateur de changement climatique. D’un autre côté, les résultats montrent les avantages économiques d’une telle solution. Le coût du traitement par tonne de recyclage est réduit de 5 à 8%. Les solutions de recyclage transportables semblent être une bonne réponse pour résoudre les problèmes de logistique en fin de vie, tant du point de vue économique qu’écologique.The authors want to thank MTB Recycling and the French National Association for Technical Research (ANRT) for the funding of the PhD study (CIFRE Convention N 2015/0226) of the first author

    Estimation of the Turkish Boron Exportation to Europe

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    Borate is an essential material to numerous industries and even to individual countries’ economies, defense, and politics. Almost all industries need borates for production, and almost everybody needs their products. Borate is a compound that contains or supplies boric oxide (B2O3). Among the minerals that contain boric oxide, there are only four minerals significant from an economic standpoint, namely borax (tincal), colemanite, ulexite, and kernite. Turkey has almost 70% of all known reserves in the world. Therefore, borates and their products could be one of the main topics for sustainable development in the whole world. The recent development and pursuit of new boron-consuming technologies and alternative products to existing borate-consuming products introduce additional uncertainty to the sustainability of boron minerals. Therefore, the European Union (EU) Commission also declared borate one of the 30 critical raw materials. Turkey is a prosperous country in terms of boron reserves, and it exports almost 96% of borates’ production. In order to better understand the relation between borate minerals and borate products, a material flow analysis (MFA) study has been carried out within the content of this work in order to update the data about the current status of boron. For this purpose, a system has been established that shows the flow of boron material. The extraction, enrichment, and refining processes of boron products are drawn. The results indicate that about 41% of extracted colemanite ore is converted into refined borate, about 31% of tincal ore is converted to refined borate, and 4% of tincal ore is converted to end-usage products, such as detergent. The correctness of the data and the sensitivity of the processes are all estimated values. The results can help in the development of boron sustainability and boron production strategies. The MFA study on tincal and colemanite ore may be an example of boron studies in different countries

    Development of an Evaluation Tool for Engineering Sustainable Recycling Pathways

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    Merci de lier avec la BDD HAL ECOSD : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/ECOSDAs the product end of life is becoming more and more complex, the recycling systems encountered many difficulties in valuing all the materials contained in the products. This involves not only recovering many materials but also getting the most economical way and the minimal environmental impact. The recycling industry is a new business sector that needs to be accompanied in its development and research of the most sustainable pathway to guarantee the resources circularity. That is why recyclers need robust assessment tools to make the right choices during the engineering of recycling pathways. This assessment, during the designing phase of the waste management line, should enable recyclers to choose the right recycling processes for a wide range of end of life products. In this article, we present how we develop a methodology for evaluating the performance of recycling processes and give relevant indicators during their design phase.Travail réalisé en contrat CIFRE avec la Sté MTB Recycling, dans le cadre du réseau EcoS
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